In the bus ride in this morning. A person exiting the bus said this common formality to the bus driver , "take it easy." He responded normally and said, "you take care now." I never really though about the saying "take it easy" until now. I always felt it was a salutaion you can say sometimes, but today I realize it has a lot to do about Usability.
Technology needs a "TAKE it easy" approach. To many times we give technology like medicine. You asked for it, you need it, it taste horrible, but you need to take it to do your job. Yes we try to camouflage the flavor it with bubble gum and other things. But if you want it to help, you have to take it as it is given to you.
If we had a "Take it easy" approach to technology we would focus on making a technology simple, easy to adopt, and easy to grow with our needs. What makes this hard is that this is competing against legacy needs, and business process developed by lack of "easy" technology.
So I say to you "TAKE it easy." I will now have it in my salutation in every email. Technology, should only be taken easy. If it doesn't, then we need to push for a better version. By doing this we make technology more usable; the more usable it is, we accomplish our goals faster with better results.
...oh yeah. I strongly believe that the less stressful it is, the better we can do our job and advance our goals.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....