May 6, 2009


Why were GUI's(Graphic User Interface) created? Why do we need things like Windows, Mac, Linux, or other operating systems? Why don't people just use a "command line" to do these things or just hard code a document or web page?

I believe with the author of this blog that GUI's and Usability brings the importance of being:
  1. Clear
  2. Concise
  3. Familiar
  4. Responsive
  5. Consistent
  6. Attractive
  7. Efficient
  8. Forgiving
Characteristics as these can only increase adoption and communicate value. This is the ROI of usability.

Too many times developers see usability as adding unnecessary work to their jobs. I of course disagree. It is actually vital for creation of raving fans. People want flexibility, but they do not want features that are hard to use, manage, or maintain. If found it too difficult, any hard work and time spent in development of an app will be lost.

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